Cross Breed

There are some excellent breeding lines that are crossing , but if you have hurt the resulting foals are not worth much. For example, for the trotting races are great trotters French , even the tennesse , who have seen the trot very high , they are good , but do not have high levels of speed . A crossbreed between a French trotter of genetics very high and a tennesse so can result in a crossbreed foal with the best genetics and best speed levels of the tennesse . Instead , if a crossing eg French trotter (trot , speed, preparation) with a akhal( endurance , jumping , dressage ), I will come out a colt with almost equal levels in all disciplines who does not excel in any skill and therefore not need for any type of race. Before making an intersection so you have to study the genetics of the two races in question , and also the parents in particular , to see if it's worth it .
Remember , however, that a line of crossbreed will never become pure , no matter how small the percentage of blood cross , and that in general the horses are worth more  pure that crossbreed
At crossbreed the apparent race is the one that prevails as a percentage, equal percentage , however, that of the father - the ability ( in genetics) , however, the foal will be a perfect mingling between the genetic father and mother!


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