Gran Prix

The horse for Gran Prix must receive the Water of Youth precise 2 years and must finish the games between 8 and 18 months until it takes up to 60 skills.
You would use the scheme only for horses with high genetic, born to parents with BLUP 100 and with the Tears of Aphrodite - otherwise it's a wasted effort.
A horse for Gran Prix has to be trained always with 100% health, otherwise it takes less skill from training, and those skills are lost forever. If I make a mistake and drops health NOT the train until it recovers!
Water is essential, with regard to other items you can train a horse to Grand Prix without them, but it takes a lot of time, effort and a lot of age points, so you may want to use the Nyx Pack or at least the timer Cronus, preferably also the Arms of Morpheus. To get it to a maximum of  skills are also vital parts of the 20 clouds, either as a package (available only with the account Pegasus) and other data one by one, always before the horse reaches 25 years of age.
A horse by GP must be put in a center with the price of tuition at least 56, must do all the lessons, day by day, and should definitely make the games of foals. After 18 months this point the easiest thing is to go to blupping (as described in the section), and in the end you end up training in other disciplines - training, races, walks. When the horse has all the ability grassettate get even walks on the beach until I can no longer move ability, and then remains only get it in 25 years and maybe give 20 pieces of clouds to take the maximum profit from the lessons! Meanwhile, you can use the horse for breeding, for racing or just do lessons, groom, feed and send to bed: the result does not change.
The walks on the beach have an important feature: the ability to move the discipline in which the horse has less than that in which he has more - but it comes to skill points, without taking into account genetics! Knowing this, you can even remove points from a skill that is not the worst of the horse, training before the worst until it exceeds the one from which I want to take the points and then make the beach before ending your workout
Obviously in a real horse by Grand Prix should be placed all objects in the Black Market possible , at least the ones that give bonus ( the Lyre of Apollo, you can easily do without ) . One of those bonus is that castration should be done between 2 years 6 months and 6 years; comb and Bell Boots must find them in the box and they last forever, while the cup of fat - that gives a bonus to strength and speed - you have to look for new every 3-4 days to ensure the bonus to the horse. Taking into account that all bonuses added together add up to 90 points in each skill is essential that you understand why the horse is competitive at the Grand Prix ! Other bonuses of which not all players have are those of Hurricane , Storm and Monsoon, which are located in the horn of abundance, and the bonus falabella that can be found only players who have at least 1 falabella .another bonus very useful and available in account vip is one of finishing added to the bonus package which offers +12 in ability primary.
In summary:
1. games - 2. lessons forever! - 3. BLUP (as described above) - 4. make bold other skills (training, races, walks) - 5. walks on the beach - 6. lessons, lessons, lessons!


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