Here you will find information on how to calculate the likely winner of a race and what to do to increase their chances of winning.
Each type of race is based on three of the six skills , values that have horses participating in those skills are taken into account and compared to determine the sequence of ranks . Here is when they become effective any bonuses ( you see them putting your mouse over the stars on each horse's ability ) for the races count the amount of skill + bonuses. It does not matter rather the ability that the horse in the other disciplines to determine the probable winner between two horses limit yourself to compare the three skills relevant to the respective type of race!
The level of difficulty is determined primary skill (the 45% ), so if you have the main low and high secondary will have the advantage of entering competitions little difficult with great chances of winning.
Remember , however, that in order to win a competition is almost essential to have both health and morale at 100%, otherwise it's a wasted effort ( although they will be happier other players) !
The skills and the percentages with which they are taken into consideration in competition are:
cross-country race
5% age
45% resistance (skill + bonus)
30% dressage (skill + bonus)
20% jump (skill + bonus)
jump race
5% age
45% jump (skill + bonus)
25% speed (skill + bonus)
25% dressage (skill + bonus)
Gallop race
5% age
45% gallop (skill + bonus)
30% speed (skill + bonus)
20% dressage (skill + bonus)
Trot Race
5% age
45% trot (skill + bonus)
30% speed (skill + bonus)
20% dressage (skill + bonus)
Dressage race
5% age
45% dressage (skill + bonus)
30% trot (skill + bonus)
20% gallop (skill + bonus)