
Typically, the genetics of the foal is equal to the average of the two genetic parents , basically higher if a) the parents have high BLUP and b) if this average is far enough away from the tips of genetics that have achieved the best horses in the game if instead, parents have BLUP low ( average negative ) and / or are close to the highest genetics , the foal will have a lower than average genetics . The genetics of the foal is also influenced by a growth curve specific genetic breed and a random variable that can be up to about 0.5 points more or less.
The distribution ( in percentages ) skills may vary between horse and horse lightly , the calculation explained above fact is not only to determine the overall genetic unborn foal but also for each of the skills : do you mean to strength, speed, etc. . to know how to separate the foal will be . This is especially important when you want to cross !


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