Horse care
The horse must always eat the right amount of food, so it does not become fat nor thin, must be groom every day and have to go to sleep within 22 hours (if you put it to bed before nothing happens). Caress, drink, carrot, turnip, field and box are optional. For this reason, keep a good horse is easy when not working, when I'm training instead I have to take into account the following things:
- The food gives more energymore it has the horse. The same amount of food type can give 18-20% more energy if the horse has it kind of 80%, however if the horse has 0% energy than the same amount of food will give you only a 0.5-1 %. To determine how much food he needs the horse at the end of the day I check the necessary amount indicated and store it for the next day, if you want to save money you can also give forage instead of grain (1 kg of hay replaces a little 'less than 0 , 5 kg of wheat)
- To box and the field is the same as for the food. With half an hour to box or the field can earn approx. 1% of energy when the horse has more than 95% rel, instead of only 0.1-0.2% with the energy to 0.
Please note: the box lowers morale. If the horse does not the radius Elio so you might put it between 1/2 and 1.5 hours in the box and then recover the moral with 1/2 hour field (if they have enough time).
Attention also the time to put it in there because it eats - more or less depending on the season - so it can easily become too fat!
- Caress gives you more energy unless it has the horse. If it gets to 0% of the energy caress gives a nice 12%, with the high energy type instead gives only 1-2%.
- The same hours of training consume more energy if the horse has low morale, apart from that with low morale is very difficult to win a competition. Does then the first thing to bring up the morale and then try to do everything with the moral training at 100%.
- The lessons consume more energy when the horse has low health without it, so the horse will win a difficult competition.
- A good horse must be trained again with the 100% health, if not the same hour training takes much less skill, and those not will never recover! Even in competition with low health will always arrive on the last seats.
- Before you start your day, it is good to think what I do. If there are things that consume little power but a long time - like training in preparation, horseback riding on the beach, jumping competitions and cross-country - then I can not waste time with box / field and maybe I do not even need the turnip. If I have to do things that cost a lot of energy and little time, as all the walks, especially short ones, then I will try to gain energy with box and field, maybe even several times, and the turnip is essential.
A proposal for a day in the life of the horse would be:
1. groom - 2. Lesson - 3. turnip - 4. Food - 5. if I have time: box and field - 6. workout until you get to 0% of energy - 7. caress - 8. Drinking carrot bed.
What can I do for ...:
- Increase energy: caress, drink (always +2%), carrot (always +6%), turnip (always 12%), mash (always +5%, only 1 out of every 3 days), food (gives more energy when it is already high), box (gives you more energy when it is already high), tennis (gives you more energy when it is already high)
- Increase the moral: groom (+6%), lesson (+4%), drinking (+1%), caloric mash (+10%, only 1 out of every 3 days), field (ca. 0.7 per 1 / 2 hour) win competitions (+1%)
- Increase Health: reprimand, lecture, or box field at intervals of 1/2 hour, games with his friends, walks (not recommended if the skills are not yet make bold)
So it remains only to look for a suitable horse, and find him a good center - good luck with your training!